Why Should You Replicate Data from Oracle Database to Snowflake
Oracle is a Database Management System while Snowflake is a fully managed Data Warehouse. Replicating data from Oracle to Snowflake provides organizations with data-driven insights and solutions. Oracle Database is a popular Relational Database Management System for storing, organizing, and retrieving data. With its built-in enterprise grid computing feature Oracle offers a cost-effective and flexible approach to data and applications handling. Snowflake is a popular and fully managed data warehouse based in the cloud and is available as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) to clients. The “fully managed” term means that users do not have to take care of back-end activities like server installation and maintenance. Now, why should databases be replicated from Oracle to Snowflake? Many organizations replicate data from Oracle to Snowflake not only for the excellent scalability but also because of the other cutting-edge benefits of Snowflake over traditional Oracle environments. Here are...